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“I met Martin at the V4 Future Sports Conference back in 2019. Back then I was the organizer of the attendees and their professional presentation and I have to say the competence of Martin is unquestionable. He knows so much about the industry of esports, that adding him to any conference or lecture regarding the business of digital sports is a huge plus. Speaks and presents well and he is also a kind and curious person. Highly recommend working with him in any matter!”
“Martin Fritzen was our guest speaker at our summit on esport. His presentation on how Denmark deals with esport was quite fascinating and a totally new approach to us. Martin’s proactive ideas and his experience in this field are of great value.”
“Vi har på vort esport-speciale på UCL haft fornøjelsen af at benytte Martin Fritzen som oplægsholder. Martin forstår på en engagerende og motiverende måde, at formidle sit budskab således at vore studerende er involverede og efterfølgende har gode refleksioner over de berørte problemstillinger”